Our History

envoPAP’s journey began at the University at Southampton when it became apparent to our founder Kaushal that the paper and packaging industry needed disruption. Reducing the burden on earth caused by paper and packaging production was at the forefront of Kaushal’s mind when he started considering truly sustainable innovation, instead of green-washed products. Using abundantly available agricultural waste as raw material, instead of traditional wood pulp in paper and packaging production, we created our first commercial product in 2015. Although paper is a widely used commodity that contributes to 40% of deforestation worldwide, every envoPAP product saves trees from being chopped down while performing the exact same function without the environmental costs.We believe in embracing sustainability at every level of our company, from the technicalities of production to the ethical treatment of our employees so that we fully honour our commitment to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. We challenge conventional paper production every day in order to innovate beyond the constraints of traditional production to ensure a sustainable future. Contrary to the linear "take, make, dispose" way of living, envoPAP believes in the circular principle of creating wealth from waste.


  • Laying the foundation: Incorporation

    Realizing that the packaging and paper industry needed disruption, envoPAP was incorporated as a revolution towards the use of more sustainable materials.

  • First love: envoCOPY

    As our first product, envoCOPY represented the beginning of a world that did not create unnecessary pollution and deforestation by giving agricultural waste a second life. It remains our flagship product till date.

  • At the deep end: envoPAP debuts at the largest paper exhibition in the world

    This Paperworld Exhibition in Frankfurt marked our first public appearance and was the beginning of our journey in disrupting the paper and packaging industry.

  • Back to school: University of Southampton

    Our Founder and CEO, Kaushal, was invited to speak at his business school where he shared our company's vision and plans for the future. Giving back to society is essential to everything that envoPAP and Kaushal stand for.

Country Partners

  • Andrzej Miziolek


  • Peter Olsson